
How Bitcoin Works

Bitcoin WhitepaperThe original Bitcoin whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto
What is Bitcoin?A short video about Bitcoin
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash SystemA video walkthrough of the Bitcoin whitepaper
Explain Bitcoin Like I’m FiveExplain Bitcoin Like I’m Five
Some things you need to knowSome things you need to know about Bitcoin
Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions about Bitcoin
How Bitcoin Works Video Series (1 2 3 4)A video series on how Bitcoin works, starting very simple. Gets more and more complex each video
Introduction to BitcoinVideo series by Andreas Aantonooulos

Why is Bitcoin Important

What is Bitcoin and Why Does it Matter?Video presentation by Andreas Antonopoulos
Why Bitcoin MattersNY Times article by Marc Andreesen on why Bitcoin matters
Why Bitcoin is DifferentArticle on what makes Bitcoin different from other Cryptocurrencies
How Bitcoin Protects Human RightsVideo presentation by Alex Gladstein of the Human Rights Foundation
In Ukraine, Crypto Finds a PurposeWIRED article about Bitcoin and refugees in Ukraine

Bitcoin and the Environment

Bitcoin electricity consumption: an improved assessmentCambridge University study on Bitcoin’s energy consumption
Bitcoin Mining Is Good for the Energy Grid and Good for the EnvironmentArticle about how Bitcoin mining can help the environment
Distributed Bitcoin Mining Could Be A Productive Way To Harness And Contain Natural Gas EmissionsArticle about how Bitcoin is reducing emissions by using wasted methane
Emerging Technologies: Capturing Landfill Methane to Power Bitcoin MiningArticle about how Bitcoin is reducing emissions by capturing methane emissions from landfills